About the Birmingham ESOL Hub

Our purpose
The Birmingham ESOL Hub website is here to help people with English language needs find a suitable English course in a convenient location in the city.
The website consists of an online test to check your level of English and a searchable list of ESOL course providers.

Supporting ESOL learners
There are English courses available with different types of ESOL providers, from colleges to charity organisations. Each listing includes the location, website and contact information for the provider and the types of ESOL courses that they usually offer.
The ESOL Hub will use the information you provide to match you with suitable ESOL providers.
Try our online English test to find out your level of English and then see which ESOL providers can help you with your future.
Our partners
The following organisations have provided funding or other support to allow the Birmingham ESOL Hub to operate. If your organisation provides ESOL provision or funding and is interested in partnering with the ESOL Hub, please email help@esolhub.co.uk.
Birmingham City Council
Visit the websiteThe ESOL Hub project has been generously funded by Birmingham City Council’s Prevention, Communities & Migration Team through the Syrian Vulnerable Persons and Resettlement Scheme (SVPRS). Alongside the Council’s partners and grant recipients, the Hub forms part of a network supporting all migrants to resettle effectively within Birmingham.
Birmingham Adult Education Service
Visit the websiteThe ESOL Hub sits within the Council’s Adult Education Service and is accountable to its head of ESOL. The Service provides the Hub with a venue within the Library of Birmingham in addition to access to essential resources such as IT facilities and support, marketing, HR and administration.
West Midlands Strategic Migration Partnership
Visit the websiteThe WMSMP provides us with a platform to liaise with other ESOL providers and organisations who support resettled adults across the wider West Midlands region. They also help to actively promote the work of the ESOL Hub.
Migration Policy and Practice
Visit the websiteOur partnership with this charity that provides strategic support to voluntary and community sector organisations who work with migrants, allows the Hub to contribute to future policy development in this area. This in turn supports the integration of re-settled individuals into the wider communities within Birmingham.
Birmingham City of Sanctuary
Visit the websiteOur membership with Birmingham City of Sanctuary allows us to be part of a network that are committed to welcoming and including people who are seeking sanctuary in our city.